
An investment strategy is the implementation of common goals and visions

We never forget the details while keeping focused on the big picture

Investment style
We are agile and innovative in the selection of the investments for the different portfolios of our clients. We constantly evaluate attractive investment opportunities by applying our self-developed and proven investment criteria. We emphasise with single investments. Collective investment schemes and structured products are rarely used. We take the challenges of this strategy and the advantage of the quality and perspectives of the different company’s stocks to ensure long-term success and prosperity for our clients. Therefore, reliable and sustainable business models, strong position in growing markets as well as the possibility of generating a high amount of free cash flows are the key factors when evaluating investments in stocks.
We place our clients’ needs in the centre of the investment decision process. The client’s investment goals and risk profile are the determining factors for taking the investment decision. Our independence enable us to invest into the best investments without compromises. WWe are convinced that a company must have the financial capacity to take advantage of the latest technology developments and globalisation challenges. The overall investors behaviour towards risky investments determine a substantial part of the price movements of listed companies. We take account of this fact by applying an active investment approach and taking advantage of arising opportunities – provided the clients’ approval also by using derivatives.
The market psychology plays a minor role with smaller companies. Companies of this market segment are often distinguished by an attractive differentiation strategy and quite often could be find in global important niches with high margins. We add these niche stocks to the core stocks of high market capitalised companies.
  • Baryon US Equity Sustainable Growth - AMCIn the discretionary portfolio management agreements or advisory agreements of clients not wishing to hold US equities directly, but nonetheless want to engage in the US equities market, we use the structured product (AMC, actively managed certificate) Baryon US Equity Sustainable Growth.
  • PerformanceThe investment portfolios of our discretionary portfolio management clients are designed to fit the clients’ needs. The most attention is put on the satisfaction of the client with his/her portfolio development.
  • DownloadsHere you can download various documents and information sheets relating to asset management and our AMC.

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